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    • Coding genes annotated by CSHL (Genes)
      This track comprises multiple analyses; Gene annotations from the CSHL gene annotation pipeline developed under NAM project. It is performed through an automated, evidence-based method combining 3rd party software including Mikado, BRAKER and PASA. Further filtered by conservation and AED score, classified into coding and non-coding sets.; Gene annotations from the CSHL gene annotation pipeline developed under NAM project. It is performed through an automated, evidence-based method combining 3rd party software including Mikado, BRAKER and PASA. Further filtered by conservation and AED score, classified into coding and non-coding sets.
    • Genes
      Manually curated AGPv4 gene models with Apollo Annotation Editor
    • Gramene maize AGPv3 coding genes mapped with liftoff (AGPv3 mapped)
      This track comprises multiple analyses; Gramene maize AGPv3 coding genes mapped with liftoff; Gramene maize AGPv4 coding genes mapped with liftoff


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